help with notification


Vu+ Newbie
Hello All,

i have got a Vu+ zero from my friend. it works fine and I can see channels in the list but after 1 minute of starting up it shows a notification screen.

This notification asks me to get a subscription, but I don't want a subscription and just want to use the box as it is without the notification.

is there a way to get rid of this notification as no button on remote works after it appears.

I have managed to ZAP the channels using an app I installed on my phone.

Please help me solve this issue.

Thank you


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You haven't mentioned what image, you have loaded, on your VU+ Zero.
I've never seen any such notification, on my Duo2, running Open Black Hole, but I tend to turn off most notifications, in the menu settings.
The only thing that can produce this notification, I think, is a common interface module. But you didn't provide any details about your equipment. The less the infos, the less our help.
Sorry about the missing information. I have found this from the web interface.

Brand: Vu+
Model: zero
Chipset: 7362
System OE: 3.0
Distro: BlackHole
Firmware version:
Kernel version: 3.13.5
Gui version: 2015-07-07-master
Tuner A: BCM7362 DVB-S2 NIM (internal) (DVB-S2)
So, you are you using a very old image: the BH 2.1.7. So, apart from this, my advice is to install a much more recent BH or to switch to OBH (open black hole).
Said that, you haven't again told us if you are using a common interface module (a c.a.m) with a card, because my hypothesis is just this.
So, you are you using a very old image: the BH 2.1.7. So, apart from this, my advice is to install a much more recent BH or to switch to OBH (open black hole).
Said that, you haven't again told us if you are using a common interface module (a c.a.m) with a card, because my hypothesis is just this.

Vu+ Zero don't have a CI slot.
I am not using common Interface module and I have actually found the plugin that triggers this message called "Notification manager".

Now my steps will be 1. backup the system (with all pugins and extensions). 2. uninstall this plugin

I have tried connecting using ftp (root) but i am not able to login. log here
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220 Welcome to the vuplus FTP service!
Command: USER root
Response: 331 Please specify the password.
Command: PASS ******
Response: 530 Login incorrect.
Error: Critical error
Error: Could not connect to server

I have tried different passwords but it does not work.

is there an easy way to backup?

also I have tried to find a way to remove this plugin but haven't find interface to uninstall this plugin
Just checked, on the VU+ website, and found it doesn't have a CI slot but does have a card slot.
If everything else is working, as it should, you can go into the menus and try to turn off the notification.
Failing that please post more information, if you have it.

Just seen your new post, leave the password blank, the Host is your receivers IP Address, which you can find in the receivers menu, under Network, or using the DCC, Dreambox Control Centre, on your PC, which will find all devices, on your network.
Thanks for this information.

I tried using this software and also telnet from windows but I have not managed to login i think password has been changed from default.

is there any other way to interface the box?
It sounds like the box had an IPTV subscription or emu server subscription, just re-flash the box with a new image and away you go.