Help with Picons


Vu+ Newbie
How could I see channel´s Picon in the LCD Vu+Duo2 ?
If I´m watching Discovery Channel, I want see Discovery Channel picon in the Vu+Duo2 LCD.
Thanks in advance.
How could I see channel´s Picon in the LCD Vu+Duo2 ?
If I´m watching Discovery Channel, I want see Discovery Channel picon in the Vu+Duo2 LCD.
Thanks in advance.

If you have picons installed ---> on your USB / HDD / OR FLASH memory --> yes you can!

To put picons on LCD Display you can take a look to my post ---> --> and use the file attached on it --> In my case the picons location is /usb/picon.

best regards
I created a file named
and put that file in /usr/share/enigma2/picon directory,
and now I can see the picon in the infobar, but it doesn´t appear in the VU+Duo2 LCD.
LCD4linux picons are different (in size) from the OSD picons.
Also the folder used is generally different.
You must download and setup a different picon set for LCD4linux.
I created a file named
and put that file in /usr/share/enigma2/picon directory,
and now I can see the picon in the infobar, but it doesn´t appear in the VU+Duo2 LCD.

If you have picons installed ---> on your USB / HDD / OR FLASH memory --> yes you can!

To put picons on LCD Display you can take a look to my post ---> --> and use the file attached on it --> In my case the picons location is /usb/picon .

best regards

In my opinion, like i did, and almost all people did, i have picons in a usb pen connected to my STB ( VU+ Duo2 ).
This is usefull to not fill up the STB flash memory.
As i told on above post ... you can use my LCD4Config ( adapt that as you wish ) and FTP the file to your STB and put it on ---> /etc/enigma2/ .

All should work normally -> The picons are in the same size you have on OSD display, because Lcd4Linux plugin resize them to the aspect you want to fits on LCD screen.
On Blackhole 2.1.5 you must use 220x132 size picons and they fits well on LCD display too.

best regards

Screen1.png Screen2.png Screen3.png
I created a file named
and put that file in /usr/share/enigma2/picon directory,
and now I can see the picon in the infobar, but it doesn´t appear in the VU+Duo2 LCD.

You can ... too ... change on the file i told the location of picons to /usr/share/enigma2/picon

see HOWTO screen,


best regards

Hi Nunigaia,
Thanks a lot for your amazing help.
I´m using the Linux4lcd config and doing changes in my Vu´s LCD box.
Is there any way to put in the Vu´s LCD only the logo delivered by the channel´s operator ?
Hi Nunigaia,
Thanks a lot for your amazing help.
I´m using the Linux4lcd config and doing changes in my Vu´s LCD box.
Is there any way to put in the Vu´s LCD only the logo delivered by the channel´s operator ?

No ... I think no!

You must create ... or search browsing to that ones you like ...

best regards