help with terms.


Vu+ Newbie
Hi All,
I know this will sound like a completely stupid question but can someone explain the term meoboot, and multiboot that appear quiet frequently in the forums. I have setup about 5 Vu+ duo's to date and have not paid any attention to this. Maybe I was just lucky installing BH images so far but I would like to understand the terms and hopefuly have a slightly better understanding of how things work in the digital age. I come from times past when we used tools such as oscilloscopes, Avo meters, etc, etc so please go easy on me. I am willing to learn.
Hi All,
I know this will sound like a completely stupid question but can someone explain the term meoboot, and multiboot that appear quiet frequently in the forums. I have setup about 5 Vu+ duo's to date and have not paid any attention to this. Maybe I was just lucky installing BH images so far but I would like to understand the terms and hopefuly have a slightly better understanding of how things work in the digital age. I come from times past when we used tools such as oscilloscopes, Avo meters, etc, etc so please go easy on me. I am willing to learn.

meoboot >> it is a software add-
or plug, which allows the installation one of more images on a USB stick.

multiboot >> So we call the multi-images
the one in the flash memory and those on USB.

oscilloscopes >>I still use them and not to grow old :D
Avo meters >> Still in use but with a few more extras
but the basic one ampere volt ohm always present .

:help: 73 S
meoboot >> it is a software add-
or plug, which allows the installation one of more images on a USB stick.

multiboot >> So we call the multi-images
the one in the flash memory and those on USB.

oscilloscopes >>I still use them and not to grow old :D
Avo meters >> Still in use but with a few more extras
but the basic one ampere volt ohm always present .

:help: 73 S
Thanks for that.
Its rare these days not to get a strange look from 'engineers' when I mention terms like ohms law, uf, standing wave etc, etc. As for soldering a iron. It seems easier to throw out a piece of electronics than fix that 'dry joint'. Dry joint, whats that ??. Do you smoke it.
Talk later.