Help with usb keyboard


Vu+ Newbie
Hi all. Just replaced my Technomate 5402 with a Vu+ Ultima (and think it's great), But I don't know if its possible to use a standard USB qwerty keyboard. I have installed the latest blackhole image.
As I admit I am on a new learning curve, could someone please inform me if this is possible, and how to do it ( in layman terms). Help is much appreciated.
Regards bouncerdove
Hi again. Yes it is supported, Found it by trial and error. All working fine now.
For those like me who are new, Just plug the keyboard in and then reboot, Keyboard then works.
Regards bouncerdove.
Most wireless keyboards with a usbdongle will work too , im am very happy for my tiny logitech K400 with integrated touchpad. USB input is poorly supported imho,many places you are forced to use the remote in T9 style, where the keyboard would be much faster. An exampe is the youtube plugin,which is practically unusable.Channelzapping and volume up and down works fin though.
As you found out, a reboot is required which is a bit unusual.