
Vu+ Newbie
I have vu+duo.Blackhole 1.6.2.I have suddenly got problem with My tube plugin.Whenever i search avideo. iget the video, but the video doesnt play, i got the message " Sorry video is not avialable.My network setting is ok.
Any help is appreciated.Tanks in advance.
Report the source of your words, thanks.
I flashed VTI 3.0 image , update the STB and now Mytube pluin is working.but im not satisfied with picture qualitiy and manny other things in VTI image. I want to manage My tube plugin in Blackhole image, because simply it has the best picture quality.
I flashed VTI 3.0 image , update the STB and now Mytube pluin is working.but im not satisfied with picture qualitiy and manny other things in VTI image. I want to manage My tube plugin in Blackhole image, because simply it has the best picture quality.

VTI Is based on code of Pli Images.
PLI have their source code base who differ from Vu+ original one.

I suppose the problem will be solved by Vu+ on their official repositories.