Hi how to make BlackHole image usb to nfi

Why you can made nfi ?
On multiboot work good zip; when you can instal image on meboot you mast only compers to zip and next upload to directory/folder in box.

Yes but iam asking you

How to make BlackHole image usb to nfi

is there a sofware for this like converter from image.usb to image.nfi
Why do you want to make an nfi ?

I can not think of any reason for needing an nfi file of the Blackhole image.
NFI CONVERTER PLUGIN for VU + This plugin allows you to convert three files in the folder DUO in a *. NFI​

how to convert an image to
the 3 usb file an image of vuduo
root_cfe_auto.jffs2 root.jffs2
"/ hdd / nfi"
and executed the script with the remote
and the file "image.nfi" will be in
"/ media / usb / MbootUpload"
image.nfi then changed the name as you wish.
USE ON YOUR OWEN RISK,,,not tested by me!


How to make BlackHole image on my box to usb as a backup please help

On your image there´s a tootl called backup. With backup plugin you can choose where to save your "full backup".

You can do it, using your HDD or an USB PEN DRIVE.

best regards
this backup makde for channel list and configuration just i need afull backup to reflash the box with it if the box stop or any thing happened