Hide zap Errors

Don Andres

BH Lover
Is there any way to hide " Zap Errors" in BH 1.7.3
I'm using Motorised dish and while the dish is moving to another satellite the zap error appear before the dish stops at new position .
Is there any way to hide " Zap Errors" in BH 1.7.3
I'm using Motorised dish and while the dish is moving to another satellite the zap error appear before the dish stops at new position .

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edit InfoBarGenerics.py and comment 2 line
#eDVBServicePMTHandler.eventNoPAT: _("No data on transponder!\n(Timeout reading PAT)"),
#eDVBServicePMTHandler.eventNoPATEntry: _("Service not found!\n(SID not found in PAT)"),

restart GUI
Thank you m8,
Perfect solution, the annoing messages are not appearing anymore .

Could be nice if BH team includes this option " Hide Zap error " under OSD Setting in the next release. :happy:
This option is included in Black Pole image .