How do I initialize CA module on Vu+ Duo


Vu+ Newbie
Hi forum. Last week I purchased a Vu+ Duo after having had the pleasure of a Force Satellite tuner for many years. I really am pleased with the Vu+ and I am really looking forward to start watching the channels I pay for at Canal D.
This Friday I received a CA module which is paired to my card from Canal D. I thourght that it was a straight forward process to enter the CAM into the Vu+ and start viewing Danish television, but unfortunately not :cry:
In the menu I do see the CAM and I have the option to initialize the CAM but nothing happens when I press the questions are
1 - do I have to initalize the CAM or does the receiver automatically accept the CAM?
2- If yes is it in menu\settings\CA-modules ?
3- or do I have to prepare the receiver with software before it will accept the CAM

Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance
Hi forum. Last week I purchased a Vu+ Duo after having had the pleasure of a Force Satellite tuner for many years. I really am pleased with the Vu+ and I am really looking forward to start watching the channels I pay for at Canal D.
This Friday I received a CA module which is paired to my card from Canal D. I thourght that it was a straight forward process to enter the CAM into the Vu+ and start viewing Danish television, but unfortunately not :cry:
In the menu I do see the CAM and I have the option to initialize the CAM but nothing happens when I press the questions are
1 - do I have to initalize the CAM or does the receiver automatically accept the CAM?
2- If yes is it in menu\settings\CA-modules ?
3- or do I have to prepare the receiver with software before it will accept the CAM

Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance

Automatic detection.
You should go to into menu - setup - common interface

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
That´s also where I am looking and the receiver actually sees the CAM and acknowledges that it is from Canal D but the "normal" picture I get on the TV saying "no access" until the card is updated doesn´t appear on the TV, the receiver acts as there is no CAM / card present .
I´m not running BH yet, will flash the receiver tomorrow with newest BH software and see how things are working then.
Thanks for your help till now...I´ll be back with an update :)
An update as promised :) I chose not to install new image before I had solved the problem .

I was able to retrieve a lot of information about my Canal D card through the receiver so I was confident that the receiver accepted the CAM and card. Realising that I had lost the battle I finally called support at Canal D and was lucky to talk to a supporter who really knew his trade. After less than 3 minutes he told me that in his oppinion I was not receiving feed from Thor and that was why the card wouldn´t update even if i had picked the correct TV channel. (I was on TV2 ZULU but was not aware that I was receiving the signal from Sirius)

After having talked to the supporter I checked more of my Canal C TV channels and it turned out that even though I had included Thor as 1st LNB in my tuner settings I actually did not have a any channels from Thor. I checked my setup (advanced settings, 4 LNbs, Thor-Sirius-Hot Bird-Astra19,2e) and I performed a new complete scan. Still no channels from Thor. I watched the entire scan and it simply left out Thor and started at 4,8e. Re checkede settings and tried again with same result.

I then skipped the advanced setting and tried the setting offering LNB A and B. I selected Thor as A and Astra as B, performed a new scan and now I got all the channels from Thor and Astra. I found TV2 ZULU which provids updates to Canal D cards and after less than 10 minutes I had a picture :dance:

Now I´m trying to find the reason why performing a scan with advanced settings does not include Thor, this time with focus on the receiver settings and not on CAM and card.

Still super happy with the box and looking forward to upgrading and installing a new BH image