Re: duo2 with Blackhole: You know I am still lost for words that If you want the blind scan to work on CBAND your Reception Settings FOR THE LNB must be USER DEFINE being LOF/L= 09750, LOF/H= 10600 and the threshold 11700. Now If you use these setting when you do a normal budget scan Via the Manual Scan settings the scan will find nothing plus if you blind scan using THE LNB settings as 09750,10600,11700 and you find the transponders but when you look at the Cband frequencies instead of being from say 3400 to 4200 (normal range) they are 5 figured figures that don't make sense. You can't win If you set the LNB for CBAND you can do a correct scan via man and auto but not Blind but if you set the LNB as User Defined at 09750.10600,11700 you can blind scan but your frequencies figures are our big time. Do someone say that there is a fix for this or are we stuck with this problem
By the way KU is a little better (freq numbers add up)but you still have to choose either blind scan or man and auto search as you cannot get the three of them working is you sellect the LNB as user defined as 10700,10700,10700 or 10700,10700,11700. You can't win!!! who is to blame for this mess beside myself maybe not doing something incorrectly