How many tuners are really available

Jan Suhr

Vu+ Newbie
On my Duo2 I just got the message that all tuners were busy.

I have a dual LNB and it is connected to each tuners IN-port, A & B.

I have also two Solo2 that are receiving from the shared tuners in the Duo2.

Now I am recording on one channel and wanted to change to another channel and I got the message that all tuners were busy and the channel I choesed was black.

In the infobar A & B are red.

I know that two tuners should be busy by the sharing, even though none of those two are showing any channels from the DUO2. And one tuner should be busy by the recording.

In the datasheet for the DUO2 it said that recording could be done on up to 16 channels simultaneously. Maybe not with my config but I was at least expecting to be able to see another channel.



Added: Both tuners have the same setup.
Hello Jan,
each tuner together with his connected lnb can receive only one frequency with one polarity, that means one transponder. If you have 2 tuners and want to receive 3 or more services (= programs) on 3 different transponders you have lost.
But you can receive 2 ore more services on the same transponder with one lnb. The digital blocks for each service are extracted out of one TS (transport stream) in your receiver by means of their digital 'adresses' PID and SID.

Regarding my question about tuners in my Duo2 I might have misunderstood the default configuration. See the picture above on the tuners that came with my box. Each tuner has an LNB In and a LOOP Out connection. As it seems that this is two single tuners. Since I also have two Solo2 boxes that has remote sharing from the DUO2 I pretty soon run out of channels. In the Infobar I only have A and B showing either blue or red.

So to be able to have four tuners I have to change the installed ones with the double tuner, right?

What is supposed to be in the third slot, there isn't any socket on the motherboard to attach anything in.


Sorry nothing todo with your problems i guess, i think you have 2 tuners nothing more nothing less.
more as a update to my link to another thread.,
Yes you're right, I misunderstod the specs and the pictures on the leaflet.

I'll have to buy the twin tuners.
