how to change the subtitle font?


Vu+ Newbie
Hi everybody
I have vu+ zero and I use meoboot
I want to know how to change subtitle font's because when I try to change from the setting of mediapplayer2 nothing change
It works only with english subtitle not arabic
So I need help to change the font of arabic subtitle
I use blackhole and vti.
Thank you
okey, moved no problem
But there is no answer on this simple question ? Im on solo2, BH and no way to do things in user interface ?
If nobody posted a message here, I suspect it's not so easy.
Maybe modifying the skin code.
Anyway glad to be contradicted!
@Eragon thanks for answers but:

This is trivial in other images.
Second - I was with OBH. Shame but not working pip and recording on solo2 with differend freg... I read that pli team is guilti but...
I am new user on vu+ about 2 weeks ago I buy zero and solo2. Have 3-4 questions in this forums and not one real solutions !
I will move to opanAtv where everything is working but the picture is ugly...OBH and openPli is not options for now
Please let me inform when stream at two different frequencies in the OBH is fine. Duo2 is ok, only solo2 wrong