How to configure the function of the remote buttons in BH image?


Vu+ Newbie
Hallo, as I am new to this forum I say hallo to everyone! I'm glad that this forum and the Blackhole Image is out there for us VU+ users. :)

Now to my question:

I have the Black Hole Image 2.06 on a VU+ Solo 2.
I had the VTI Image before and if I wanted to configure the buttons on the remote, I just installed and configured the Multiquick Button extension and everything worked as I expected.
Now there is also a Multiquick Button extension for the Blackhole Image, which I installed properly and I activated it. But the functions of the buttons on the remote still have the default Blackhole Image functions and I can't change them.
Can anyone here please tell me how to customize the buttons on my remote in the Blackhole Image either with or without the Multiquickbutton extension?

Thank you so much!
Ok, I will try this. Thank you! One question left, is why there is a Multiquick Button extension for BH, when this does not work?!
Can you tell me where is the code to change + and - Channel to go + and - channel not to list channel like i have
What has to do Multiquickbutton to the behaviour or P+/P-?
Multiquickbutton had problems with BH because it's made for VTi.

If what you'd like to have is P+/P- keys for zapping instead that for bouquets and channel lists, you need to use a different file keymap.xml.
Use the one attached and zipped and put it in

Before that, I suggest to keep a copy of the original as, for instance, keymap.xml.orig
or something like that.
Remember you have to put again your file in that folder after major updates, because it will be rewritten.
After having transferred this modified keymap, remember to restart the GUI.

