How to connect with telnet

Jan Suhr

Vu+ Newbie

I am new to the VU+ and Blackhole, I got my box a couple of weeks ago and are expanding it with stuff that can be good to have.

Now I want to open up the remote webaccess and that I have succeded with. But I need to set a password for the box. I got the remote webaccess to work without password.

I have downloaded the Change Password plugin, it ask for an old password and it doesn't work. Not with a blank password as the old one. I guess that plugin only works if there are a password.

Then I tried to connect with telnet, but I got a "connection refused" when I just entered "telnet"
I then tried with and then got the reply "nodename nor servname provided, or not known"

I would appreciate a tip on how to connect properly with telnet.

I think I know how to change the password later, I've found topics about that here.


Chack that the telnet server is enabled by telnet panel (blue panel).
If it's already enabled, try to reboot the receiver.
Chack that the telnet server is enabled by telnet panel (blue panel).
If it's already enabled, try to reboot the receiver.
Yes Telnet was enabled, but a restart solved it.

BTW I also had problems connecting with my iPad with Blackbox, that was also solved with a restart.

