How to create NFI image from USB based one ?

Don Andres

BH Lover
As the header says, I need som info regarding converting of Usb based image to a NFI format.
Have installed Meoboot on my BH 1.7.2 in flash and would very much like to test other teams release on USB memmory stick , but most of the recent release from VTI, VIX , AAF are only available in usb. format !
Is there any easy way to make a NFI image based on Usb one ?

Have innstalled Meoboot on USB memmory stick .
The Usb stick is formated and mounted as /media/usb

Have tried to innstall zipped PLI ( usb ) image ( as instructed ) , first transferred in "Meoboot Upload" and then try to install the image via
Meoboot interface "Innstall image " - red button , I get the message " Meoboot will stop all activities xxxxxxx... and it will take few minutes " ,
have wait hours , but nothing happens further ?
Shoud I transfer the imaga zipped or I should unzip the the image first ?
Can somebody confirm Meboot working on BH 1.7.2 ?
Have innstalled Meoboot on USB memmory stick .
The Usb stick is formated and mounted as /media/usb

Have tried to innstall zipped PLI ( usb ) image ( as instructed ) , first transferred in "Meoboot Upload" and then try to install the image via
Meoboot interface "Innstall image " - red button , I get the message " Meoboot will stop all activities xxxxxxx... and it will take few minutes " ,
have wait hours , but nothing happens further ?
Shoud I transfer the imaga zipped or I should unzip the the image first ?
Can somebody confirm Meboot working on BH 1.7.2 ?
To be sure MeoBoot works correctly, you can try to install the same image BH 1.7.2 on usb.
Have innstalled Meoboot on USB memmory stick .
The Usb stick is formated and mounted as /media/usb

Have tried to innstall zipped PLI ( usb ) image ( as instructed ) , first transferred in "Meoboot Upload" and then try to install the image via
Meoboot interface "Innstall image " - red button , I get the message " Meoboot will stop all activities xxxxxxx... and it will take few minutes " ,
have wait hours , but nothing happens further ?
Shoud I transfer the imaga zipped or I should unzip the the image first ?
Can somebody confirm Meboot working on BH 1.7.2 ?

Meoboot working and working with PLI on USB
I tested a few days ago on VUuno and Ultimo.
If working with the latest PLI i do not know.
Hi Matrix 10,
Have done some test today.
Can confirm that Meoboot is working with BH 1.7.2 ( same image in Flash and Usb memmory stick )
But , unfortunatelly the result is NEGATIVE with PLI and AAF image on USB memmory stick.
Each time i try to innstall the *zip image via Meoobot , I got the confirmation that " Meoobot stops all activities and will reboot automatically ..." , nothing happens in hjours after that message.
It is almost no point of using Meoboot for simular images in Flash and USB , don't you agree ?
Tested on my vu duo, both pli and aaf image just installed without any problem.
If you`ve a swapfile on usb, then deactivate it first and then install the image.
Tested on my vu duo, both pli and aaf image just installed without any problem.
If you`ve a swapfile on usb, then deactivate it first and then install the image.

Thx , do you have BH 1.7.2 in Flash ?
I don't have any swapfile on USB stick , have fornmated and mounted the stick via " Device Manager " in "Extra Setting "
Did you unzip or rename PLI and AAF before innstalling them on USB stick ?
Hi Matrix 10,
Have done some test today.
Can confirm that Meoboot is working with BH 1.7.2 ( same image in Flash and Usb memmory stick )
But , unfortunatelly the result is NEGATIVE with PLI and AAF image on USB memmory stick.
Each time i try to innstall the *zip image via Meoobot , I got the confirmation that " Meoobot stops all activities and will reboot automatically ..." , nothing happens in hjours after that message.
It is almost no point of using Meoboot for simular images in Flash and USB , don't you agree ?

Of course not
because Meoboot works great on all my boxes .

I think that something is not good
probably your USB stick not work well in combination with VUduo.

First of all try a different USB stick
and you can try the method that I described in post 4

@Matrix 10

I use Ultimo , not Duo !
I have followed exactly the same method before with my old VU+Duo ( last time I used Meoobot succesfully was with BH 1.65 /66)
Honestly, I don't think the reason is USB stick, I used before exactly the same stick and as I described earlier today, I managed succesfully to use it with BH 1.7.2 ( both in flash and USB )
Have just tested Meoboot innstalled on my harddrive ( I removed the USB stick ) .
The result with my integrated HDD is 100% identical with USB flash drive :
Working perfect with BH 1,72 installed via Meoobot in HDD , but none of the other images ( PLI , AAF ) is working .
Is it something I'm missing with the format or name of the PLI or AAF image ?
Try to download another image ( direct from The image forum , like Pli) some times download are incomplete or bad file from links!
You just need the folder/map witch you normaly need to flash the box and then zip it and give it the name you like.
Thx m8 ,
Bingo , first decompress the image to "vuplus" folder , then zip it again and then renamed it ....voila , now it works like a charm .
Thank you all for your patience :thanks: