How to loop through two FBC tuners

Jean Dupont

Vu+ Newbie
I have a VU+DUO4k SE with two FBC tuners installed. At this moment I only have one rotating dish with a unicable lnb (from Gigablue) which works. How can I accomplish a loop through for both tuners? In the past I used a short coax cable for my XTrend (which also had two tuners) to connect one tuner to the other, I then choose a unicable set up for each tuner and used two different frequencies for each tuner: 1210 MHz en 1420 MHz en so I was able to receive/record two transmissions on different transponders at one sat position simultaneously. I'd like to do something simular with the VUPlus but I'm puzzled by the tuners: both tuner A and B have two F-connector ports labeled "in", I expected "in" and "out" ...

Can anybody here how to do it properly with my current setup?
You don't need a loop through and you probably don't even need the second tuner if your LNB Unicable has more than 4 UB (User bands): if it has got, for instance, 8 UBs, you can use all of them with one Tuner and one cable. An FBC Tuner is made of many virtual tuners.
And, as our images have usually not more than 7 FBC virtual tuners, you won't be able to use all your LNB UBs in any case.
How many letters do you see in your Tuner Setup screen? And how many of them are for SAT? If you have, for instance, from A to H and the rest are DVB-T/T2 tuners, it means you have 7 FBC tuners + 1 (that's the second tuner).
If you got more letters, than it means both SCR/Unicable tuners have their virtual FBC "sons".
In this case, what you need is a SCR splitter (not a common splitter), something like the one attached.

If you have 16 letters (which I doubt...) and a 16 Unicable LNB, you can direct 8 UBs to the first phisical tuner and the other 8 to the second, using such a SCR Splitter.

SCR/Unicable and FBC tuners are a completely different thing from the Universal/Normal ones.


  • INVERTO-Splitter-SCR.jpg
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I see 16 letters in the tuner setup menu. The tuners are FBC for satellite reception. And the Gigablue lnb has 24 SCR-IDs. I choose the following settings for tuner A: configuration mode: advanced-->LNB: LNB1-->Priority: auto-->LOF: unicable/JESS-->Unicable configuration mode: Unicable/LNB-->Manufacturer: Gigablue-->Type: Gigablue Ultra SCR-LNB-->Channel: SCR1-->Frequency: 1210
Now how should I proceed with tuner B (and C, D...)?

kind regards,
1) you need to know if B is the 2nd phisical tuner or just a FBC one. You should be able to understand that from the fact that a virtual tuner not yet configured shows "FBC Automatic", whilst a physical tuner not configured shows the message "Not configured".

So, assuming B is the physical one, all the virtual tuners should be from C to I the group that refers to A; all the other letter refer to tuner B (if my hypothesis about A e B is correct) and they must be configured using a different UB (scr channel) and with the option "Connected to:" set to A.

The B, J, H, .... must use, of course, the free SCR channels you didn't assign to A, C, D, ...., I.
1) you need to know if B is the 2nd phisical tuner or just a FBC one. You should be able to understand that from the fact that a virtual tuner not yet configured shows "FBC Automatic", whilst a physical tuner not configured shows the message "Not configured".

So, assuming B is the physical one, all the virtual tuners should be from C to I the group that refers to A; all the other letter refer to tuner B (if my hypothesis about A e B is correct) and they must be configured using a different UB (scr channel) and with the option "Connected to:" set to A.

The B, J, H, .... must use, of course, the free SCR channels you didn't assign to A, C, D, ...., I.
Tuner B is indeed a physical tuner, but at this very moment I don't have a satcable connected to it. I configured all the virtual tuners C to I as unicable with different MF frequencies as listed in the LNB-menu. I was able to record two streams and view another simultaneously with this setup. The only thing which still puzzles me is why are there two inputs on one FBC tuner?

kund regards