how to remove preview in channel list


Vu+ Newbie
Hi! Is it possible somewhere in settings remove current channel picture in channel list?
I just want ot see there current programm info on selected channel, but not a active channel picture...
Or it's embedded to skin and can't be edited
If you want specific answer, first you must explain all - what image, what skin you are using. "...smth like MX HQ10..." means you are using exactly this skin?
In most images channel selection window settings are in menu Setup > System > Channel selection settings. But if I remember right, there is no selection to get this window without PIG there in BH and OBH default skins. There are some skins, where you can select this option (to get a channel list without PiG) in a skin settings. Or you can do it yourself with editing your skins skin.xml. For this better to use Open Skin Designer for better visual control.
You can only remove PIG/preview if you edit skin.xml file in skin map.
you have to remove line with PIG >> coding render="Pig"

example: this line

<widget source="session.VideoPicture" render="Pig" position="1228,30" zPosition="3" size="530,300" backgroundColor="#ff000000"/>

Search in skin.xml file this part of skin
<screen name="ChannelSelection"

and remove line.
You can only remove PIG/preview if you edit skin.xml file in skin map.
you have to remove line with PIG >> coding render="Pig"

example: this line

<widget source="session.VideoPicture" render="Pig" position="1228,30" zPosition="3" size="530,300" backgroundColor="#ff000000"/>

Search in skin.xml file this part of skin
<screen name="ChannelSelection"

and remove line.

Wou!!! Thx a lot! And also thx for your great skins !!!