How to show the Sat info in channel list?


Vu+ Newbie
I have a H-H dish with 12 satellites programed and I want to see the Satellite information in the channel list.
is it a matter of skin selection? ( what skin support this?) or the firmware? (Im using BH 3.0.3 H)
You could try renaming the channels, and adding the satellite information.
This is probably easiest using software, like dreamboxedit, but would take a long time, and I don't really see the point.
An easier method would be to set up Bouquets, (Favourites), labelled with the satellite details, and copy your channels to the Bouquets, again easier using dreamboxedit.
You can have as many bouquets, as you want, and name them anything, so you could use genre, like Films Astra 1 19.2E, or by provider, or by anything you want.
I asked because in DM800HD I had the same issue and I found a skin that support this feature.