How to use 4 lnb and a 1 meter parabol to get several transponders for itch lsb.

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Vu+ Newbie
I can recheive several transponders on 1 lsb, f. eks 19 degrees east and 28 degrees east . But I do not know how to configure this, do a I need a fake motor controll. I do not need move antenna , gives plenty signal on both transponders on the same lsb. I altso have a switch for 4 lnb. so my goal is to have maby 2 or 3 transponders on itch lnb total mayby 8 to 24 transponders Without need of a motor.

T. N
so my goal is to have maby 2 or 3 transponders on itch lnb total mayby 8 to 24 transponders Without need of a motor.
Astra at 28.2E has more than 80 transponders.
So it's not clear what you mean for "transponder"? A satellite, a channel?
Well, one LNB can point to only one satellite and can receive all the transponders of that satellite.
So if you need to point to more than one satellite you need more than one LNB, and a dish that can cover the satellite positions you want.

This is a LNB:
Yes I mean several satelits on the same lnb. I have a diseqc for 4 lnb, and I like to get all satelites from 28 degrees to 19 degrees on lnb1. I tryed this separely and it is ok, but how to configure it. 13 degrees on lnb2, and 4,8 degrees on lnb3 and 0,8 degrees on lnb4. I think maby need configure as motorcontroll witout motor.

T. N
I have tested 1 lnb and get very good signals from 28 degrees east. Then I scan on the same lnb 19 degrees east and altso get very good signals, The lnb was in same posititions so that why I need this configuration.

Yes I working with antenna and before I have a dreambox so I verry famlilar with the components .
I send here photo of antenna 80 cm with 3 lnb, photo of my diseqc 4 post switch for 4 lnbs. A photo of my secund antenna where I have lnb for 4.8 degrees and 0.8 degrees. On my 80cm antenna I have lnb for 19 degrees east and 13 degrees east and 4.8 degrees east. That is ok all satelites verry good signal. But I have tryes to put only one cabel in my 19 degrees lnb and make a search at 28 degrees east and all transponder there verry good signals at the same positions. I calculated that this lnb is in the edge of ny dish so the angel between satelites from 19 to 28 is only a few mm at this lnb, thats why it is possible to have several satelites in only one lnb. The antenna has a curve. The most left lnb taks the most right satelite and then you have the turning point, just draw lines on a papir and then you wil understand.
T.N80cmDish.jpg Diseqc-4-port.jpg my_other_dish.jpg my_other_dish.jpg
From what I can see you have:
- 1 dish with 3 LNBs
- 1 dish with 2 LNBs, with one LNB with 2 output cables

You have total 6 cables from the LNBs, but I see a DiSEqC switch with only 4 inputs and 1 output, so there should be another switch somewhere, or one of the LNBs is not connected to the switch...
I have 2 tuners, but this issue is only about the 3 lnb from 80cm dish and 1 lnb from the other dish connected to the diseqc , tottal of 4 lsb.
Well, the DiSEqC switch in the picture should be version 1.0, with 4 input ports A, B, C, D.
You have to correctly map the ports for each LNB and the corresponding satellite.
For ex.
A: Hotbird
B: Astra 19.2
C: Astra 28.8

Then in the tuner settings (A o B, I mean the tuner that is physically connected to the cable) you have to set 3 LNBs:
LNB 1: Hotbird, and set using DiSEqC 1.0 (and don't set any other DiSEqC setting)
LNB 2: Astra 19.2, and set using DiSEqC 1.0 (and don't set any other DiSEqC setting)
LNB 3: Astra 28.8, and set using DiSEqC 1.0 (and don't set any other DiSEqC setting)

If the satellites and/or DiSEqC ports you are pointing to are different, change the values accordingly.
I now like to get a Diseqc 8-1 8 input to get this ok do you know if my tuner Cloud ibox III HD can handle diseqc 8 input.

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