Request I can not connect my VU+DUO to my pc with Open-AAF


Vu+ Newbie
Hello to all. I installed(settled) open-AAF multiboot with BH. but I have a concern(marigold). When I go on DCCe I manage not to connect in the pc I put.
Login: root
paswoed: dreambox
nevertheless with BH I have not of probleme. Thank you in advance.
Hello to all. I installed(settled) open-AAF multiboot with BH. but I have a concern(marigold). When I go on DCCe I manage not to connect in the pc I put.
Login: root
paswoed: dreambox
nevertheless with BH I have not of probleme. Thank you in advance.

I think the problem is the password you use to logon into OpenAAF image. Check it and retry.
Latest OpenAaf and other images that use python 2.7 are not compatibel with meoboot, so you can`t use telnet or ftp.
Password should be empty.
Here is we said to me on another forum than if I have open-aaf multiboot of it I cannot connect with coach he(it) uses the noyeau OE2.0​
we can not connected cause the two image have different noyeau.
to enter (Read The Rules) for exemple you do like this.
open Dcce in Bh image and go media/usb/meobbot/mboot/open-aaf/etc
you restart and it's finihsh.
we can not connected cause the two image have different noyeau.
to enter (Read The Rules) for exemple you do like this.
open Dcce in Bh image and go media/usb/meobbot/mboot/open-aaf/etc
you restart and it's finihsh.

Be careful, next time U may be warned/banned by Admin!

ok excuse me. can i put how we install *******?

No, ******* is not supported here,,,,Go Google...;)!

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