I can't set backup settings.


Vu+ Newbie
Some time ago I lost the ability to set the backup path "Black Hole full backup". The USB key is mounted. I have it set
/ media / usb /. I tried to route the backup path to the HDD, but the result is still the same. When I enter the Backup settings item, I only see there "Backup settings: not found.
The path to save the settings simply cannot be saved. The problem appeared in the image at BH 3.09. In the moment I have BH 3.1.0.H nothing has changed. Can anyone advise me how to solve the problem?
Please excuse my English.
S O L V E D ! ! ! Some time ago I lost the ability to set the backup path "Black Hole full backup". The USB key is mounted. I have it set
/ media / usb /. I tried to route the backup path to the HDD, but the result is still the same. When I enter the Backup settings item, I only see there "Backup settings: not found.
The path to save the settings simply cannot be saved. The problem appeared in the image at BH 3.09. In the moment I have BH 3.1.0.H nothing has changed. Can anyone advise me how to solve the problem?
Please excuse my English.