I can't upgrade my box vu+ solo2

Nikos Psar

Vu+ Newbie
Good afternoon guys.
Last month I was running in my box vu+ solo2 3.0.2F kodi image. Last Sunday a power failure happened to my home and my box stacked after starting..... screen in ''VU+ SOLO2''. Since that day I can flash my box only with images 2.1.1 and below. What do you think about that?
Thanks in advance,
Ok seems genuine from what I can see.

Maybe the powercut spiked something.

Try formatting your usb stick with the HP format too (use a search engine to find it, and do a full / deep format), then try again to install BH 3.0.2
Ok seems genuine from what I can see.

Maybe the powercut spiked something.

Try formatting your usb stick with the HP format too (use a search engine to find it, and do a full / deep format), then try again to install BH 3.0.2
I 'll give a try in a minute
No luck at all. Again the same problem, box is stacked after starting...... Won't boot and shows ''vu+ solo2'' in the screen.
Is there any way to format bootloader?
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et initialiser votrev box puis flach le avec image de votre gout a mon avis open black hole 0.6est mieux son fichier n est pas bouret
The bootloader is updated with the flash file on the Solo2, so you can not do it sepereatly.

Try using a different image and see if that boots (obh, vix, atv) as all these have a smaller flash file than Black Hole (it is possible that your flash memory is damaged and there is not enough "clean" space for BH image now).
hi, im having the same issue. Vu + 2 solo just gets stuck on starting after a crash. I think it might be the flash memory is full. did you ever find a solution?
What image are you running?
If you're running Open Blackhole 0.6 check the threads, for the answer, if not please post more detailed information.