I need help in my Solo2

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Vu+ Newbie
Hello friends,

First let me apologize for my bad English. I have a SOLO2 and put the latest version 2.0.2 and had 3 questions if I could help:

Is it possible to restart the GUI without restart the network? (Other images it is possible to wonder why)

It has way to configure the plugin ***** Status in this image?

The plugin videoenhancer is not available this picture?

I am very grateful if I able to help with these issues.
Thank you.
Hello friends,

First let me apologize for my bad English. I have a SOLO2 and put the latest version 2.0.2 and had 3 questions if I could help:

Is it possible to restart the GUI without restart the network? (Other images it is possible to wonder why)

It has way to configure the plugin ***** Status in this image?

The plugin videoenhancer is not available this picture?

I am very grateful if I able to help with these issues.
Thank you.

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