I would like help to flash Vu Zero


Vu+ Newbie
I,m a realy newbee at Vu+, since I earlier only have been working with my Dreamboxes and my last flashing was made some yeras ago. Now a neighbour need my help to put in an image in a new Vu Zero he bought. So I hope to get some help:

After registration I only find discussions of different, no downloads or guides.

My questions:
1. How to know the most proper image?
2. How/where to download the image?
3. Can I in this forum find any guide how to flash the Vu image?
4. Which flashing program is the most proper?
Oh, I have some more questions.
1. Where here can I find an image file to download?
2. Which image version will you recommend for Vu Zero? Perhaps the most downloaded of the latest one?
3. Do I need to install any bootloader before I install the image?
How long time is the normal for flashing Vu Zero with this image? Just now it has gone about one hour. Have something got wrong, so it is time to stop and make a new attempt? I can mention that I extracted and then copied the zero-folder to the root of the USB-stick.
OK so, or have I done something wrong?
It takes a few minutes, normally, try a different USB stick, formatted to FAT 32.
You copy the vuplus folder, onto the USB stick.
Mick12334, thank you! But I have already tried a new attempt and then I copied not only the zero-map, but I extracted all to, now another USB-stick. And I succeed!! :-) The flashing took now only a couple of minutes. Just now thee box is searching channels från the satttellites ...