Request impossible to change the channel since I changed my favorites.

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Vu+ Newbie
hello, since I changed my favorite solo vuplus (blackhole 2.0.5, ***** 2.3) with dreambox edit, I do not know to use my demo.
In fact, when I turn on my demo, the channel that is currently running, but when I try to change channels, the picture freezes and nothing works.
I check the file *****.cfg file *****.prio but despite that nothing works.
I do not know what to do at all
hello, since I changed my favorite solo vuplus (blackhole 2.0.5, ***** 2.3) with dreambox edit, I do not know to use my demo.
In fact, when I turn on my demo, the channel that is currently running, but when I try to change channels, the picture freezes and nothing works.
I check the file *****.cfg file *****.prio but despite that nothing works.
I do not know what to do at all

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