Inadyn forced_update_period


BH Lover
I have an ip she spends months without change, I want to force the inadyn actualize once a day, I start inadyn Through telnet:

start-stop-daemon -S -b -n inadyn -a /usr/bin/inadyn -- -u myusername -p mypassword -a myhostinadyn --forced_update_period 86400 --log_file /var/log/inadyn.log --dyndns_system

Inadyn start, but the days pass and does not update the account. Am I doing something wrong?

I have an ip she spends months without change, I want to force the inadyn actualize once a day, I start inadyn Through telnet:

start-stop-daemon -S -b -n inadyn -a /usr/bin/inadyn -- -u myusername -p mypassword -a myhostinadyn --forced_update_period 86400 --log_file /var/log/inadyn.log --dyndns_system

Inadyn start, but the days pass and does not update the account. Am I doing something wrong?


Why forced and Through telnet ??

Why you not use Inadyn within the image
For me, working for many years.

If you have problems, check your account on Dyndns
whether he works and enabled on their server.

For to many he is no longer working.
My's still OK
The problem is that my IP does not change for months, but needs to be updated each month so you do not delete the host, the only way to do this is with the param -forced_update_period, which is not covered in the script image.
So before you edit the script, I wanted to make sure it works properly, but so far have not succeeded.

update_period: update the IP address in this period, if it changes.

: update the IP address in this period, even if it not changes.

The problem is that using the first parameter, just change the start inadyn, not change the ip, inadyn not update the host again, so when the month is met, the host expires.

INADYN: Started 'INADYN version 1.96' - dynamic DNS updater.
I:INADYN: IP address for alias '' needs update to ''
I:INADYN: Alias '' to IP '' updated successful.
