Increase Font size on service menu


Vu+ Newbie
Hello all,
i have a VU+ Zero with BH 3.0.3.C

I search to increase the size of services names (channels names).

On others images i did it by pressing UP (to see services) and then MENU and i saw a setup button that included this option.

But with BH i do not see this option and i don't know how to do it
I search on the Web but still no result.

I kwow i also can buy a new pair of glasses but i will prefer to increase font size if it's possible... :)

Thank you
Hello all,
i have a VU+ Zero with BH 3.0.3.C

I search to increase the size of services names (channels names).

On others images i did it by pressing UP (to see services) and then MENU and i saw a setup button that included this option.

But with BH i do not see this option and i don't know how to do it
I search on the Web but still no result.

I kwow i also can buy a new pair of glasses but i will prefer to increase font size if it's possible... :)

Thank you

Only changing the skin coding ... Black Hole 3.0.3 is based on Vuplus Original image, and is different from other images, OE-A based images that has this enhancement.

best regards
Ok thank you for this information.
So i will try Open Black Hole that is OE-A, perhaps it manage that..

Best regards.
just a reply to confirm that this enhancement exists in Open Black Hole v0.6.23... and that works perfectly as i want :yahoo:

Thanks again nunigaia for the help.

