Infobar - what does it all mean?


Vu+ Newbie
Hi all. I wonder if you can help? This is a noob question that I've been wondering about for ages. I have searched and can't find any reference to what all the different symbols etc mean on the infobar.

Does anyone either know or have a link to the information?

bbc screenshot 2.jpg
Those info mean:
94%: Quality of signal (SNR is a wrong and misleading term)
A B C D: all available tuners and the tuner currently in use
Those info mean:
94%: Quality of signal (SNR is a wrong and misleading term)
A B C D: all available tuners and the tuner currently in use
Thanks eragon,
the tuners ABCD sometimes they are red, or white, or blue...?
the "light" next to the clock sometimes red sometimes off...?
and those letters in the bottom right corner...? (I'm guessing FTA = free to air)
The tuner letter changes its color when the corresponding tuner is in use.

The other symbols mean:
The key: the channel is encrypted
The bottom letters indicate the encryption coding in use (ex: FTA = free to air)