Invalid format message


Vu+ User
Using the Remote Control, Where I can switch the "format" to fix my "Invalid format messages" on the screen..
The Manual does not show anything about this. I am not seeing any Button too.
Receiver: VU+Solo SE HD
Using the Remote Control, Where I can switch the "format" to fix my "Invalid format messages" on the screen..
The Manual does not show anything about this. I am not seeing any Button too.
Receiver: VU+Solo SE HD

Please specify what are you trying to do, image installed, format of what?
" Invalid format messages" ???

best regards
The message is related that the resolution setting is not matching with the resolution setting of the TV and movie, The only way is to go to set A/V settings but I have seen that others receivers have a Button on the remote to switch it (Vformat) like openbox's.. this is my question If VU+ have any button to switch