Marian Jeng

Vu+ Newbie
I am trying to find out which image do i need to use to get IPTV working on my VU Zero and how do i install an app called AfrikaSTV.
I would be ever so grateful if you guys can kindly give me a hand, Im now aware of the image that i need to use please can you tell me how do i get the IPTV working what plugin do i need to install and how do i download the app AfrikaSTV so i can buy a paid service and watch it to though my vu zero box.

If anyone can please give me a hand to get this going. Many Thanks
IPTV links work good on this versions image whot write Matrix10.
If you have link to this iptv whot you write put to image and will be work normal on chanelllist.
If you look for plugin i think is no now on forum plugin to this.
Try find plugin AfrikaSTV and install on image.
Hello! I'm a newbie, how can I write the list in this image? and, if I'm not OT, where I can find it and in which file extention? thank you!!