IPTV problem

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Vu+ Newbie
Hi I need some help i have a vu plus solo se v2 that use with my iptv subscription. I have the channels the picon the epg everything setup my only problem is with some channels 1080p the image freezes every 2secons and keeps playing while the audio is perfect it happens to me on some channels and its not my iptv server because playing the same list on vlc on my computer works perfect phone perfect too but i cant seem to play em on my stb can someone help??
Hi I need some help i have a vu plus solo se v2 that use with my iptv subscription. I have the channels the picon the epg everything setup my only problem is with some channels 1080p the image freezes every 2secons and keeps playing while the audio is perfect it happens to me on some channels and its not my iptv server because playing the same list on vlc on my computer works perfect phone perfect too but i cant seem to play em on my stb can someone help??

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