Is it possible to ADD functions from one SKIN to another?


Vu+ Newbie
Hello there

Is it possible to ADD diffenert functions from one SKIN to another?
Example: dB Meter, LOF info, etc ... I'm using VTI on VU+Duo².

I've tried the other forums, they wont/cant help ... hope you do.

Thank you.
Is possible but some function mast be coded in skin other is possible change in menu image.
I think info about dB is possible change in menu image OBH.
Thank you for your reply.

Would it be any easy job for a newbee like myself?
What I need is dB, VPID and APID, but I'd still like to stay with VTI though :-)

So far, I could do moving functionalities from this position to another within one skin.
I tried copy/paste things from a different skin, but it didn't work.
I guess it is not that simple !?

I'd appreciate your help.