Is it possible to do a blindscan with a vu+duo se?

Jean Dupont

Vu+ Newbie
I tried to perform a blindscan with my vu+duoSE which runs openvti.
I have a dish with a unicable LNB from Gigablue, from which I have a cable running which is connected to a splitter which outputs I connected to the two inputs of one of my FBC tuner. In my setup I have tuner A and B activated (unicable mode, each at a different frequency). Unfortunately, blindscan does not found any transponders. What am I doing wrong or is it true you can't do blindscan with an FBC tuner as I read somewhere?

kind regards,
This is the BlackHole or OpenBlackHole. And OpenVTi I believe is just a dirty backup, not a real image.
So, you need to ask their forum (if such a forum exists).
Thanks for the info. As I am currently not yet convinced which image is the best for me (I tried OpenATV en OpenVTi), I am prepared to try out Blackhole or OpenBlackhole too if they support blindscan, could you tell me if they do and how to do it with my setup?

kind regards,
Blindscan does not depends only on images but also on tuners.
And, if your tuner supports it there is nothing to setup: you have a specific item within the tuner setup Menu.
Blindscan does not depends only on images but also on tuners.
And, if your tuner supports it there is nothing to setup: you have a specific item within the tuner setup Menu.
Did you try it out yourself with an FBC-tuner? Which receiver? (I have vu+duoSE with two fbc tuners)

kind regards,
No, I can't use it on Solo4K (and I'm not interested, too, as blindscan does not find anything more than the existing transponders and you can find them referring to websites like KingOfSat or Lyngsat and then using manual scan).
I only tried once, just for curiosity, on a Duo2 but it has got a normal tuner.
But I consider this feature completely useless (maybe I'm wrong... ;)).
The feature is interesting for those who like finding feeds hunting.
However most of these tuners were not made for this purpose
either they are very slow or they do not work.
So I haven't tested it in a long time.
Anyway when I tested unusable.