ISSUE. Solo2 dont read pendrive 16gb for restore


Vu+ Newbie

I tried to update drivers from VUCC with last drivers that offer this software (December 2016) and my vuplus dont work, it start but buttons dont work.

I put your last BlackHole-3.0.3-vusolo2_usb_release_20170327 in pendrive of 16GB formated in FAT32 and pluged it before start with reset button but solo2 dont read never the pendrive, I cant see "Press Power for install". I only see in screen "Starting" and 1 min after "VU SOLO2"

Years ago I remember this problem and I believe remember that I solved this issue holding power button during for 10 seconds or so (maybe it worked pressing button 5 times, I dont remember...)

Do you can suggest me any solution to can install new black hole or make backup my old blackhole 2.1.1 ?

Best regards

I can update with other pendrive but vu plus continue as before without recognizing the remote control buttons.

Any suggestion?
I can´t edit previous message.

Now I can´t restore previous Black Hole 2.1.1 full image and remote control is working but.. Why your last BlackHole-3.0.3-vusolo2_usb_release_20170327 is not starting request me first set up and dont recognize remote control?