Keeping movie folders during update


Vu+ Newbie
Hello all, my name is Philip and I own a Vu+ Solo2 for 3 years now. I am new here and I would like to know the following.

On the internal harddisk of my Solo2 there are 4 partitions. The first one contains both the Linux system and a large movie folder. Will that folder remain untouched during an update from VTi version 8.2.3 to version 11.0.2? And the same question regarding the 'movie' folder. Will the system leave these as they are? I don't want to risk deleting anything that I collected during all these months!

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience! Kind regards, Philip.
This forum is for Blackhole, and Open Blackhole images, but the folders should remain, on your hard drive.
You can access the folders, from your PC, using Filezilla, and copy them to your PC's hard drive, you might also want to use the backup option, in your VU+ Solo2 menu.
Your partition does not contain any Linux system because the operative system (called "image" talking about enigma2 receivers) is installed in flash, not in the HDD.
In case, if your system has a multiboot structure, you have the main image installed in flash and several others (one or more) in specific folders of your HDD. But this does not seem your case from what you write.
The HDD remains untouched if you reflash your system, unless the image itsef asks to reformat ALSO the HDD, something that, personally, I've never seen (and I've flashed many many times my decoders) but that someone tells he saw in the past. Anyway, HDD is NOT flash and you have just to read what your image asks after having flashed your box.
Finally, I don't know if VTi (which is not supported in this forum as Mick said) will be able to upgrade directly from 8.x.x to 11.x.x. BH and OBH cannot do that. You'll have to install a fresh image and start from scrap about plugins and settings (channels). But settings can be managed and saved by computer softwares like DreamBox edit or iDreamX for Mac.
Maybe, when you will decide to install a new image, you'll give a try to ours, BH and OBH! ;)