Kernel 3.1.1 bug?


Vu+ Newbie
so nobody but me has this problem?.. maby 200ms glitch concerns you..? i cant be the onlyone on this vu+ forum who has it (since it only effects vu+duo and vu+ ulitimo) .. but its pretty serious to me,

well im not that calculuz.. but has the bootloader anything to do with the kernel.. and if i can change image.. what is the BH version that uses the old kernel?

/best wishes. mallorz
well im not that calculuz.. but has the bootloader anything to do with the kernel.. and if i can change image.. what is the BH version that uses the old kernel?

/best wishes. mallorz

< 1.6.7 = kernel 2.6.18
> 1.6.6 = new kernel 3.1.1