kernel the 3.1.1 in VU+


Vu+ User
kernel the 3.1.1 in VU+

primcipais teans for vu+ (VTI.VIX.BH) has lately lying for is images with kenel 3.1.1 here that repesenta a good signal in evolution linux E2 for sat HD…

Therefore since 2005 we were with kermel 2.6.18 for linux E2… in all E2 images…

But the informed friends less can ask that can have of advantage this of kernel 3.1.1?…

Thus the first sight has to see with the evolution of linux (former: in windows XP and win 7) therefore he is kernel generates bus of cpu, Core or dualcore, memory flash, drives, ram better performance and stability mainly in the new features that did not have in 2005 (former ones:new drives of new equipment as cpus, androids, xbox, wifi, dvb-t etc…) therefore the evolution is in march for taste of all we… not to mention of much Open Source that the world linux in them is to offer in so little time as the wonderful OpenWebif that is an alive example of what I mention myself Soon

… here was plus one my reflecção on E2 that I wait that they like as I liked…
kernel the 3.1.1 in VU+

primcipais teans for vu+ (VTI.VIX.BH) has lately lying for is images with kenel 3.1.1 here that repesenta a good signal in evolution linux E2 for sat HD…

Therefore since 2005 we were with kermel 2.6.18 for linux E2… in all E2 images…

But the informed friends less can ask that can have of advantage this of kernel 3.1.1?…

Thus the first sight has to see with the evolution of linux (former: in windows XP and win 7) therefore he is kernel generates bus of cpu, Core or dualcore, memory flash, drives, ram better performance and stability mainly in the new features that did not have in 2005 (former ones:new drives of new equipment as cpus, androids, xbox, wifi, dvb-t etc…) therefore the evolution is in march for taste of all we… not to mention of much Open Source that the world linux in them is to offer in so little time as the wonderful OpenWebif that is an alive example of what I mention myself Soon

… here was plus one my reflecção on E2 that I wait that they like as I liked…

Advantages of kernel 3.1.1 are the mentioned by you: more and better support for more devices and recent CPUs.
A more recent kernel can grant to our Vu+ boxes better performances and support.