Kodi, mi spiegate?


Vu+ User
Se ho capito bene a partire dall'immagine BH 3 viene installato questo Kodi di cui parlano in tanti. Premesso che sono totalmente ignorante con linux, qualcuno puo' spiegarmi innanzitutto cos'e', a cosa serve, come si usa? E dove lo trovo nel mio Duo2? Ho cercato nei menu ma non l'ho trovato. Grazie.
Sorry.... I posted in italian.... my mistake. I asked about Kodi. Totally beginner with linux, could you please explain what is Kodi, what can it do, and where can I find it in my Duo2? I did not find Kodi in any menu..... Thanks.
Sorry.... I posted in italian.... my mistake. I asked about Kodi. Totally beginner with linux, could you please explain what is Kodi, what can it do, and where can I find it in my Duo2? I did not find Kodi in any menu..... Thanks.

In Blackhole or Open Blackhole you´ll find, not KODI but XBMC .
Check your " Plugins Browser ", you´ll find there "XBMC Launcher"
OK, thank you for the information. I have Blackhole in my Duo2. So, I could never find anything searching for Kodi.... didn't know XMBC. Could you please explain what it is and what it can do? Thanks.
OK, thank you for the information. I have Blackhole in my Duo2. So, I could never find anything searching for Kodi.... didn't know XMBC. Could you please explain what it is and what it can do? Thanks.

XBMC is an "ancient" release of KODI.

To know what is for, best is googgling for "KODI", and take a look.

For example you can see this:


best regards