Latest Total Commander 8.0 public beta 25 (32/64)


The BH Lover
Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 25 (32/64)

Fixed: Synchronize dirs by content: In the footer, sizes >2TB could not be shown (32/64)
Fixed: On screens with high DPI settings, the copy progress dialog, overwrite dialog and custom message dialog were incorrectly scaled (64)
Fixed: Right click on empty area in file lists could cause access violation in file system plugins or archives. In plugins, just show "Properties" menu item (32/64)
Fixed: Lister plugins: ListNotificationReceived did not pass WM_NOTIFY messages to the plugin (64)
Fixed: ZIP packer, archives >4GB: The size field of the central directory header was wrong (misunderstanding of specs). No problem with Winzip/WinRAR, only 7Zip+DOpus (32/64)
Fixed: Sort directories - unsorted not working correctly after counting size with space bar (32/64)
Fixed: Lister, RTF view: Switching word wrap on or off removed all text formatting (64)
Fixed: File list: Do not show square bracket "]" at the end of a directory if they are turned off, but the directory name itself ends with one (32/64)
Fixed: Lister didn't handle the "L" key (fit only larger image to window) when a plugin was active (32/64)
Fixed: Help: Removed text saying that the wincmd.ini is in the Windows directory (which is no longer the case) (32/64)
Fixed: Some jpg files could cause an SSE floating point exception in Microsoft's PhotoMetadataHandler when deleting with VistaDelete method -> turn off SSE exceptions (32/64)
Fixed: Button bar: ENTER on button containing OPENBAR command -> focus went back to file lists by mistake (32/64)


