Live streaming to other televisions


Vu+ Newbie

I would like to be able - If it's possible - to stream live channels from my Duo2 to other televisions in the house (LG)

is there an easy way to do this - would I be looking at Kodi as a solution?

I stream live channels from my livingroom Solo4k to bedroom with my old Solo2, using Remote Channel Stream Converter installed to Solo2. So it is possible simultaneously watch different channels in livingroom and bedroom, cause Solo4 have multible tuners.
many thanks for your reply. I ended up using mediatomb on the duo2 and dlna on the television - it seems to work more often than not... so I'm a happy bunny.
I have a Duo2 with latest Blackhole image.
Can someone please help me if I am wrong in my understanding on what is possible with a Duo2 with 2 tuners?
I have 2 sats coming in; Astra 19.2 and 23.5. I feel I am not using the fact that it has two tuners, so I am trying to get a picture of what I can do to abuse my Duo2 a bit more ;-)

1) I can watch any channel from these sats on either one of 2 TVs?
2) To watch on a second TV, I can/should:
a) Use streaming on 2nd TV through WebIF (Smart TV with Browser) or dlna
b) Loop a coax cable through to the other TV with internal SAT DVB/S receiver
c) Use a HTPC with Kodi (e.g. Raspberry Pi) to stream to and display on TV
d) Would Google Chromecast work somehow?

In 2), what's the easiest / best option?

Could I also use my old Dreambox 7020S for this somehow (to stream to)?
