look for device


Vu+ Newbie
Hello, is happy of father and i wants offers device not expensive with lnb "in" and lnb "out", with os is open black hole or black hole.

Better with t2 (tnt).

(peritel and hdmi is better)

Device easy use for my familly.

I have good idea device ?

Thank you
Hello, is happy of father and i wants offers device not expensive with lnb "in" and lnb "out", with os is open black hole or black hole.

Better with t2 (tnt).

(peritel and hdmi is better)

Device easy use for my familly.

I have good idea device ?

Thank you

Read & chose from Here>>> http://www.vuplus.com/

Vu+ Zero 4K, is good price, just got one for my wife.