Looking to buy VU+ Ultimo 4K Newbie questions


Vu+ Newbie
Hi all,

Yes another newbie!

I am looking to replace my aging Reelbox AVG 111 with the VU+ Ultimo 4K so my questions are related to that model and the Black Hole images.

I have had a good search but cannot find the answers to these questions which I hope you can help me with.

1. Does it record in 4K

2. Editing a recording, can this be done in the box and if so does it retain the original recording or delete it.

3.What video files will it play I cant find these listed anywhere. My AVG records in Ts so could I copy the recordings onto the HDD and play them?

4. How many HDD can be connected internally or does installing the image create a separate partition on the drive so the recordings are protected if the image gets corrupted?
Reelbox (brand is out of order and don't live anymore) : stone age of Linux ( not Enigma 2) decoders !!!! That is linux applied to a tuner.
1) Yes
2) Best is edit a recording (Enigma 2 record in TS format) trasferred via lan in your PC and after editing you must delete the original to save disk space in the decoder.
4) Internal Hdd is only one but you can have many connected with Usb (a powered hub is recommended). Vu+ Ultimo 4K work with Emigma 2 system (is based on Linux but isn't Linux and is very different from Reelbox) and image isn't in Hdd but in the Stb memory and what is in Hdd (recording included) it is always safeguarded: changing image all your recordings in Hdd are available. You don't need to create different partitions less than your particular needs.
3) I think you can transfer your TS recordings to Hdd and play them.
2. Editing a recording, can this be done in the box and if so does it retain the original recording or delete it.

Yes, you need a plugin called Moviecut. The recordings, once edited and cut, can be saved as a different recording or as an overwriting files of the old one. But the cut by Moviecut isn't as precise as by video editors (I definitely prefer Avidemux, existing for every O.S.)

3.What video files will it play I cant find these listed anywhere. My AVG records in Ts so could I copy the recordings onto the HDD and play them?
Everything, as far as I have tried so far.
Your recordings will be only in .ts, but there's no need to transfer them just to watch them: otherwise, why would you buy a REAL decoder?
Obviously you can transfer them but .ts are not compressed files. I transfer only the ones I want to edit very accurately to save. The other ones I edit by Moviecut under BH or OBH.

There are many, many editors and I don't know all of them! But I already said that Moviecut is not perfect for videos you want to save in your video archive because it does not use B-frames for cutting. But I use it 95% of the times for everyday life, just to remove ads.
I use Avidemux for the important tasks which, once you learn ho to use the B-frames as cut points, is perfect (and free).
It is also useful to remove logos and many other post-processing tasks.
Then I compress the edited videos by Handbrake although Avidemux could do it as well; but I prefer the HB options.
Well I have taken the plunge and bought one, I shall be running it up tomorrow along side the AVG 111.