Loop Out Signal


Vu+ Newbie
Can I pick up the signal on VU+ solo2 from a "loop out" of another receiver?

I am using latest Open BH image and would like to know how to configure to receive 'loop out' signal.

EG. satellite signal into receiver X and loop out into VU+ solo2. I want to watch signal received on receiver X with my VU.

Yes, you can. And when you use Vu Solo 2 then you must turn off on stand by another receiver.

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Thanks - I place receiver X in stand-by mode. However, where do I get the signal on VU - I cannot locate it.
Great idea it works - thanks

Now I want to try and receive the actual channel on receiver X on my VU+ - is this possible.
Also your Solo2 needs to tune itself that channel.
The sat signal is passing through the other receiver (which must necessariliy be in standby or powered off).
From a practical point of view, there is no difference in the Solo2 configuration as it was directly connected to the sat cable. The loop-out is simply a passive pass-through signal connection.