Loop out Solo2


Vu+ Newbie
Hello there,

Can I "loop out" the signal from VU+ solo2 to second receiver in this case to Sony tv which have sat tuner.

Thank you in advance
Yes, but you will have to put an external splitter / splitter.
Remember that the VU + solo2 has 2 tuner, the connectors you see are inputs only.
To signal, you need Splitter of 2 outputs with power supply (DC-pass).
Splitter output A cable to VU + Solo2 tuner B.
Splitter output B cable to TV satellite tuner.
Remember to set Tuner A of Solo2 as a loop to B.
It is because of a defect in these receptors.

Leave the receiver on standby when you perform a channel search / view the TV, not to have problems with the band and polarity of the channel that sees the deco.
Si, pero tendras que pones un splitter/repartidor externo.
Recuerda que el VU+solo2 tiene 2 tuner, los conectores que ves son entradas solamente.
Para dar señal, necesitas Splitter/repartidor de 2 salidas con paso de alimentaacion (DC-pass). Cable de la salida A del spliter al tuner B del VU+Solo2.
Cable de la salida B del splitter al tuner de satelite de la TV.
Recuerda configurar el Tuner A del Solo2 como bucle al B.
Es por un defecto de estos receptores.

Deja el receptor en standby cuando realices una busqueda de canales / veas la TV, para no tener problemas con la banda y polaridad del canal que vea el deco.

PS: The correct thing is to introduce yourself when you arrive new/Lo correcto es presentarse al llegar nuevo..http://www.vuplus-community.net/board/forums/introductions-presentazioni.3/
Yes, but you will have to put an external splitter.
Did you mean this?

Remember that the VU + solo2 has 2 tuner, the connectors you see are inputs only.
To signal, you need Splitter of 2 outputs with power supply (DC-pass).
Splitter output A cable to VU + Solo2 tuner B.
Splitter output B cable to TV satellite tuner.
Remember to set Tuner A of Solo2 as a loop to B.
It is because of a defect in these receptors.

Leave the receiver on standby when you perform a channel search / view the TV, not to have problems with the band and polarity of the channel that sees the deco.
Can be there any trouble/damage if I play both receivers at the same time?

PS: Bosnia, Neither antennas nor equipment.