Request lost settings Duo2


Vu+ Newbie
Hi Forum,

After some changing in the settings i get problems with the vuplus duo2 box.
  • The P.I.P when activated it works only in channel that is in P.I.P
  • When i am recording a channel all other channels are black.
That means that only the choosen channel is visible.
After some digging in the settings of BH 2.05, no futher details that wil help me.
But maybe there is some other problem, after reading in this forum about cam's i think there is maybe an other problem. What maybe helps i will discribe my configuration:
  • VU+ Duo2
  • 2 tuners dvb s2
  • 1 canaldigitaal card
  • duo LNB
  • 2 cables in tuner
  • Config tuner A (Simple, DiSEqC A/B, A=19.2, B=19.2)
  • Tuner B = Tuner A
P.I.P is in FTA working fine, in canaldigitaal cam by switching to other canaldigitaal program there is a black screen small is fine.
When recording a program in canaldigitaal 1 or 3 programs no problem, but if you switch to an other program in the same transponder you get a black screen. If you go back to the program that is recording than everyting is oke.
In my memory i thought it was all working fine in the begin!?

Is there someone who can help me to find the solution????
Some of colleagues probably can help You with duo2 but please read rules, speaking about cams is strictly prohibited.