Make box behave as you like? Edit /etc/enigma/settings


Vu+ Newbie
I like to change many small things in BH 2.1.5.
Small things that i like to accomplish:
  • After playback in your recordings (timers), i often press ´stop´ and then the box go back to last channel, but i like to change the settings so i remain in the recordings list instead.
  • When using Multi QuickButton (2.7.5) ,in CoolTvGuide (v7.3.0) i like to go directly to "Cool Tiny Guide" but that has been removed and not possible to add, it is only possible to add other guide´s :-( , so i add another Guide mode and then i need to press many times on Yellow button for change (GuideSwitch), troublesome.
Maybe just edit /etc/enigma2/settings for some of my ideas (and those not mentioned here too), but because this file just add another line of config when needed and no "examples" is available, not an easy task for a n00b like me.
Or need to change some XML file?

Also i like to compile an app i cant seem to find "Popcorn Time", but that i already sent a post in Tools.
Hopefully someone got a tip and i can use it for compile other apps that i like to create.

Old issue that i had got:
Before when i add a timer, and accept the default times (0 mins before, and 0 mins after) it is not possible to add the program directly after.
I had to change the end timer to one minute less manually, or else they collide.
Was thinking of change the Endtime to -1 in /etc/enigma2/settings (default is "config.recording.margin_after=0").
Dont know if its possible to change to a negative settings there..
But it seems to work now without change that, so i leave it alone.

Thanks for reading about my small problems.

Im using an Duo2.
Was thinking of change the Endtime to -1 in /etc/enigma2/settings (default is "config.recording.margin_after=0").
Dont know if its possible to change to a negative settings there..
Default margin settings can be set in:
Menu/Setup/System/Customise (Expert mode)

The settings file generally contains the options that can be normally set through BH system menus or some plugin menu.
It is not possible to set a negative margin, just positive.
So therefore, cant change to -1 in menu.
BTW, I have no problems setting 2 separate recordings of 2 consecutive events on the same channel using CoolTVGuide.