Request Make TV go on standby mode


Vu+ Newbie
Hi Guys
Ok I have just flashed my box with the BH 1.75 image.
Now when I put the Vu Duo box on with the Vu Duo (VD) remote from standby both the box and my Samsung TV switch on
When I put my Vu Duo box box in standby by the pressing the power button on my VD remote, the box goes into standby mode but my tv still remains on. I have to manually switch it off.

I have checked the settings and it is set to switch the TV off when I press the power button on the VD remote.

My TV is a bit old, is there some code I need to enter or special setup.

Love the website and community, thanks for your replies
No code, just configure your HDMI CEC Plugin in vu+box and CONNECT it to your TV .
Your TV must be connected to Vu+box using CEC. Verify with "TOOLS " button in TV remote control, the device list in "Anyet+HDMI CEC"
Another way to see if your TV is connected to your vu+box using CEC is the SOURCE INPUT for your TV: it must be Vuduo or tunner for example not only HDMIx (1,2...)
Hi there
Thanks for the tip. I am not sure my TV has a source called Anyet+HDMI CEC will try and see
"Anyet+HDMI CEC" is not a source.

Just press "TOOLS" button in TV remote control, you will have "Anyet+HDMI CEC" as the first option in the list shown. Slected and press OK, you will have more options to verify the CEC sources available ...