Managing Satellites

Can anyone tell me the proceedure in order to delete a Satellite from mt VU+ Duo?


You should edit the /etx/tuxbox/satellite.xml files and remove the corresponding entry of the sat you want to delete.
Remember to make a backu pcopy of that file and reboot the box when you end the deletion process.
You should edit the /etx/tuxbox/satellite.xml files and remove the corresponding entry of the sat you want to delete.
Remember to make a backu pcopy of that file and reboot the box when you end the deletion process.

Thanks for that.
Would I then be able to re introduce the sat and re scan?

You can generate a new satellite.xml!
Search Google for "satellite.xml generator" its there...;)!
Then make one that has the Sat U need, add it to your STB , and then re scan!

Have fun w/BH!