Manually setting date and time in VU+


Vu+ Newbie
Hi all,

I had a problem setting up the date and time in my VU+ Duo. The problem is that BH does not allow you to manually set the date and time, because the box is automatically updated from the satellites. In my case I am using a VU+ Duo which is not connected to satellite antenna or to the cable, because I am using another VU+ (a Duo2) as server for my VU+ Duo which is in another floor, and I stream from the server box to my client box using the remote stream plugin.

To cut the long story short, because my client box is not connected to a satellite dish or to a cable I could not set up the time and date in said box through the BH image menu, and I had the factory date (which was someday in 1970...).

After googling a lot I have found a solution, and I wanted to share it in case that it cold be of any utility for any of you:

Via telnet use the following command:

date [OPTIONS] [+FMT] [TIME]

Display time (using +FMT), or set time
[-s,--set] TIME Set time to TIME
-u,--utc Work in UTC (don't convert to local time)
-R,--rfc-2822 Output RFC-2822 compliant date string
-I[SPEC] Output ISO-8601 compliant date string
SPEC='date' (default) for date only,
'hours', 'minutes', or 'seconds' for date and time to the indicated precision
-r,--reference FILE Display last modification time of FILE
-d,--date TIME Display TIME, not 'now'
-D FMT Use FMT for -d TIME conversion

Recognized TIME formats:
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm[:ss]

I hope it helps if needed.

Of course, all the credit should go to mickle026 (whom I do not know), who posted a thread in from which I got this information. I am not registered there, so I cannot thank him, but I would like to do it here. Maybe I could have fund this information somewhere else, but I did it in his post and I thank him for that.
There are possibly better solutions that could set box's time automatically.
"Possibly" means that I'm still testing a solution in BH to be sure that it can work without creating problems to the box.
More probably in the next future, but only if I'll succeed...;)
There are possibly better solutions that could set box's time automatically.
"Possibly" means that I'm still testing a solution in BH to be sure that it can work without creating problems to the box.
More probably in the next future, but only if I'll succeed...;)

Eragon, that would be a great idea! As a fact, I always wondered why BH image did not include the possibility of manually setting date and time. I understand that it automatically retrieves said data from the sat transponder, but all electronic devices I have used always allowed a manual setting option. I have read that other images do include said option, but I have not checked myself. I got my Duo2 with the Pli image installed, but I changed it to BH without checking said option.

Anyway, to be honest, I find BH a great, great image, which has been constantly improved with more and more interesting features. So let no one take my comments as a criticism to BH image in general :-)

It is only a bit of curiosity and a specific need which led me to this topic.

Anyway, Eragon, your improvement will be greatly appreciated!!!
There is a PLUGIN to EASILY set the time via the INTERNET
Go to Plugins .. Goto Download .. go to System plugins and you see the plugin for Date/Time
Load it and then Setup... System ... and there in the list is System Time
Go to the Sync now Internet .. OK and Bobs your uncle .. Time IS Set
I installed system time plugin and it all seems to work but if I turn off the power switch on the Vu+ UNO 4K SE it goes back to 1970 01:00. I want it to auto run when the box power on how do I fix that? I can see in the plugin app that there is a setting that says Sync NTP cold start but everytime I set it to YES and save it goes back to NO again. My box is brand new and I run the latest Blackhole image on it.

I also tried NTPDate which I have on my Vu+ Ultimo4K but for some reason it wont set the time for me on the Vu+ UNO 4K SE.
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我安装了系统时间插件,看起来一切正常,但如果我关闭 Vu+ UNO 4K SE 上的电源开关,它会回到 1970 年 01:00。我希望它在盒子通电时自动运行,我该如何解决?我可以在插件应用程序中看到,有一个设置显示同步 NTP 冷启动,但每次我将其设置为 YES 并保存时,它会再次返回 NO。我的盒子是全新的,我在上面运行了最新的 Blackhole 图像。

我还尝试了 Vu+ Ultimo4K 上的 NTPDate,但由于某种原因,它无法在 Vu+ UNO 4K SE 上为我设置时间。