Many questions for a beginner. UK. DE.


Vu+ Newbie
Deutsch Version unten.
Hi there.
I am new to all of this and have been looking for a new sat receiver to record and watch German TV as I live in the UK. I have a basic receiver which is a bit rubbish and want to upgrade.
On one of the sales sites I saw that the VU+ can record and view multiple channels using the Unicable 2 LNB.
I phoned the tech guy at the site and he said that is really complicated, just buy a basic decoder and plug it in to a dual LNB.
So my questions are.
Do any of the VU+ single tuners run this type of multi channel LNB?
I have seen that you have to install software on to the receiver to run this system, apparently called Black hole. Is this correct or is there an option to run it on the pre installed software?
If not is it called black hole? And what is the difference between blackhole and open blackhole?
Once set up is it easy to record and operate on a daily basis as my wife will also use it? I don't mind spending time and effort setting it up if it is simple to run afterwards.
Any comments and advice in general would be useful or pointing to any threads of use. This site is massive and a bit bewildering.
Also I don't know any of the tech terms so any help there or keeping it simple would be appreciated.

Ich bin neu in all dem und habe nach einem neuen Satellitenempfänger gesucht, um deutsches Fernsehen aufzunehmen und zu sehen, während ich in Großbritannien lebe. Ich habe einen Basisempfänger, der ein bisschen Müll ist und ein Upgrade durchführen möchte.
Auf einer der Verkaufsstellen habe ich gesehen, dass die VU + mit dem Unicable 2 LNB mehrere Kanäle aufzeichnen und anzeigen kann.
Ich habe den Techniker vor Ort angerufen und er sagte, das sei wirklich kompliziert. Kaufen Sie einfach einen einfachen Decoder und schließen Sie ihn an einen Dual-LNB an.
Meine Fragen sind also.
Läuft einer der VU + -Einzel-Tuner mit dieser Art von Mehrkanal-LNB?
Ich habe gesehen, dass Sie Software auf dem Empfänger installieren müssen, um dieses System, anscheinend Black Hole genannt, auszuführen. Ist das richtig oder gibt es eine Option, um es auf der vorinstallierten Software auszuführen?
Wenn nicht, heißt es Schwarzes Loch? Und was ist der Unterschied zwischen Schwarzloch und offenem Schwarzloch?
Ist es nach dem Einrichten einfach, täglich aufzuzeichnen und zu bedienen, da meine Frau es auch verwenden wird? Es macht mir nichts aus, Zeit und Mühe damit zu verbringen, es einzurichten, wenn es einfach ist, danach zu laufen.
Alle Kommentare und Ratschläge im Allgemeinen wären nützlich oder verweisen auf Verwendungszwecke. Diese Seite ist riesig und ein bisschen verwirrend.
Außerdem kenne ich keinen der technischen Begriffe, daher wäre jede Hilfe dort oder einfach zu halten dankbar.
Welcome to the forum.
The VU+ receivers are more complicated, to setup, but not that difficult.
Once set up they are quite easy to use, as you set up bouquets, (favourites), as many as you need, which contain channels you most view.
Are you only interested in a fixed dish system, on Astra 1, 19.2E, which contains most of the FTA, Free To Air, German channels, or do you want other satellites, including Astra 2, 28.2E?

Do you want a 4K receiver?

What kind of budget do you have?

Have you checked where your dish needs to be located? This is a lot easier if you have an open, south facing, garden, as you can have a ground mounted dish.
Do any of the VU+ single tuners run this type of multi channel LNB?

Only the VU+ equipped by a FBC tuner are able to fully take advantage of Unicable/SCR LNBs and they are really useful for people who like watching/recording/PiPing/streaming (on their devices) multiple channels at the same time. And these LNBs need only one cable.
FBC tuners are only available for 4K models but don't think that a 4K box is a waste of technology, at the moment. It's not for their 4K viewing capabilities that I strongly recommend them, but for their overall features. I myself don't even own a 4K TV, a the moment, but this is not important, for the reasons I told.

I have seen that you have to install software on to the receiver to run this system, apparently called Black hole. Is this correct or is there an option to run it on the pre installed software?

If the reseller doesn't customise it for you, there is the original VY+ image (that's the name given to the operative systems for Enigma2 receivers). But the original VU+ image is not so "rich" of functions and graphically cured like the others. It's just a good starting point but I've never used it, not even when I was new to this receiver.
And, maybe yes, a VU+ (as well as any other Enigma2 receiver) might be not so easy at the beginning, but it's so powerful that, if you have good will to search and learn, you'll have huge satisfaction by it.
Only, don't ask to do everything the first week of use!

If not is it called black hole? And what is the difference between blackhole and open blackhole?

This is a one million dollar question and it's probably too soon for you to be concerned about it: anyway, some time ago I wrote a little article about my impressions (after some years of use) you can find at this link:

but, obviously, is totally subjective and, anyway, OBH has continued improving since then.

Once set up is it easy to record and operate on a daily basis as my wife will also use it? I don't mind spending time and effort setting it up if it is simple to run afterwards.

My wife is able to use it and my dad too. Obviously, because I taught them after becoming expert. ;)
Remember that this ARE NOT simply receivers: these STBs are almost computers, able to run their specific operative systems (images) ad this makes them complex, like computers are.
There is no magic button and, basically, no manuals for images different from the original one, as this images are produced by the passionate work of volunteers.
If you'll approach them this way, with patience and the goodwill of searching the Internet for solutions and tricks, you'll completely change your life of a STB's user!

And there is obviously this forum, too. My advice is not to ask one hundred question in one thread only and, above all, to start reading every single post, even the ones which seem totally incomprehensible to you: this is the only way to go into a new field of knowledge.
If you'll look only at the answer to your posts, you'll learn very slowly.
This forum is different by many others where there are hundreds of post of any kind, about many receivers and far too many sections.
And this makes possible to explore its sections to learn a lot.
Thanks for your help everyone.
I have a dish with 2 dual LNBs, one on astra 1 and the other on astra2.
I have a Humax dual PVR for the uk freesat which is fine.
The two separate receivers on the German TV are no longer very good.
I am interested in the VU+ as it can record several channels at once with the unicable 2 LNB. Sometimes i miss stuff and can't get it back over the web as the German TV channels recognise my uk IP address and proxy servers.
As far as budget, no real problem. I know they are not cheap, I just don't want to spend loads and not get what I want.
Thanks Alexwilmac, I will take a look at your link and have a look around on the site in general.
Thanks again.