Map Video-button to open XBMC


Vu+ Newbie
Hi All

I tried to map the Video-button so it can open XBMC insead of EMC but I found in the /usr/share/enigma2/keymap.xml that KEY_VIDEO maps to showMovies or movieList actions, but I don't know where to change these actions.

Please help.
Hi All

I tried to map the Video-button so it can open XBMC insead of EMC but I found in the /usr/share/enigma2/keymap.xml that KEY_VIDEO maps to showMovies or movieList actions, but I don't know where to change these actions.

Please help.

In my particulary case, i use Xbmc too, and haved put it on Fastplugin, if i am not wrong ... do this ... open fast plugin with <greeen key> and assign it with press the <red key>. Upon this to open XBMC press <green key> and <ok> on your remote control, it will open xbmc.

best regards
Hi nunigaia,

I did that already for my own usage, but my wife and kids are used to use the video button, and I want to replace that. I dont want them go play with the pluging and settings.

The default settings of BH open the mediaplayer, but when I installed EMC the video button was overrided to open EMC instead of mediaplayer.

There must be a config somewhere and I can't find it, definitely not the keymap.xml file. Could be a symbolic link that need replacing from EMC/Mediaplayer to XBMC.

I keep digging.
Hi nunigaia,

I did that already for my own usage, but my wife and kids are used to use the video button, and I want to replace that. I dont want them go play with the pluging and settings.

The default settings of BH open the mediaplayer, but when I installed EMC the video button was overrided to open EMC instead of mediaplayer.

There must be a config somewhere and I can't find it, definitely not the keymap.xml file. Could be a symbolic link that need replacing from EMC/Mediaplayer to XBMC.

I keep digging.

Give a try to Multiquickbottom plugin you can dowload it via addons pannel.

best regards